Beginning Prayers:
- शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुम् - shuklaambaradharaM viShNum
- सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यम् - saraswati namastubhyam
- गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुः - gururbrahmaa gururviShNuH
Topic Summary:
- Refresh 7th case vibhakti pratyaya-s
- Refresh 6th case masculine and neuter gender vibhakti pratyaya-s
- 6th case feminine gender vibhakti pratyaya-s
Home Work:
- Find 5 prayer shlokas that use 6th case words and try to comprehend the meaning of the verses (without taking aid of the English meanings already given :).
Topic Details:
So far, the 6th case masculine and neuter gender words have been learnt. To reinforce that learning, below are a few more examples.Masculine gender -
रामस्य पुस्तकम् | raamasya pustakam | - | Raama's book | |||||||
कृष्णस्य वंशी | kRuShNasya vaMshI | - | Krishna's flute | |||||||
रमेशस्य लेखनी | rameshasya lekhanI | - | Ramesha's pen | |||||||
गजस्य दन्तः | gajasya dantaH | - | elephant's tooth | |||||||
देवस्य रथम् | devasya ratham | - | God's chariot | chariot of God | ||||||
सूर्यस्य प्रकाशम् | sUryasya prakaasham | - | sun's light | |||||||
लेखकस्य कृतिः | lekhakasya kRutiH | - | writer's work | work of the writer | ||||||
विद्यालयस्य शिक्षकः | vidyaalayasya shikShakaH | - | school's teacher | teacher of the school | ||||||
गोपालस्य सुता | gopaalasya sutaa | - | Gopaala's daughter | daughter of Gopaala | ||||||
अर्जुनस्य धनुः | arjunasya dhanuH | - | Arjuna's bow | |||||||
तस्य अग्रजः | tasya agrajaH | - | his elder brother |
Neuter gender - (follows the same pratyaya-s as masculine, after 2nd case)
उद्यानस्य वृक्षम् | udyaanasya vRukSham | - | park's tree | tree of the park | ||||||
अक्षरस्य आरम्भः | akSharasya aarambhaH | - | alphabet's beginning | beginning of the alphabet | ||||||
अम्बरस्य वर्णम् | ambarasya varNam | - | sky's color | color of the sky | ||||||
अनृतस्य फलम् | anRutasya phalam | - | lie's reward | reward of lies | ||||||
औषधस्य प्रभावः | auShadhasya prabhaavaH | - | medicine's effect | effect of medicine | ||||||
तस्य पुष्पम् | tasya puShpam | - | it's flower |
Now us learn the 6th case feminine gender words. The feminine gender words get -याः (-yaaH) as the ending pratyayas. Just as seen in masculine and neuter gender words, these words make genitive clauses. It would be used in the sense of belonging. Seeing the examples and their meanings below shall make it more clear.
Feminine gender -
मालायाः मालिका | maalaayaaH maalikaa | - | Maala's garland | |||||||
लतायाः पुष्पम् | lataayaaH puShpam | - | creeper's flower | flower of the creeper | ||||||
रमायाः पतिः | ramaayaaH patiH | - | Ramaa's husband | husband of Ramaa | ||||||
उमायाः अध्ययनम् | umaayaaH adhyayanam | - | Umaa's study | |||||||
शैलजायाः चित्रम् | shailajaayaaH chitram | - | Shailajaa's picture | |||||||
उषायाः सुतः | uShaayaaH sutaH | - | Ushaa's son | son of ushaa | ||||||
भाषायाः अक्षरम् | bhaaShaayaaH akSharam | - | language's alphabet | alphabet of the language | ||||||
कक्षायाः छात्रः | kakShaayaaH ChaatraH | - | class's students | students of the class | ||||||
चिन्तायाः परिणामः | chintaayaaH pariNaamaH | - | anxiety's effect | effect of anxiety | ||||||
नासिकायाः अग्रम् | naasikaayaaH agram | - | nose's tip | tip of the nose | ||||||
तस्याः भगिनी | tasyaaH bhaginI | - | her sister |
Learning these examples is not only giving an insight to the 6th case, but building vocabulary as well. It is essential to give prime importance to add to one's knowledge-base, new words, their meanings and practice their usage as well.
Happy practicing and researching for verses with 6th case :).
Ending prayer:
- ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् - aum pUrNamadaH pUrNamidam